About Crosspath Behavioral Consulting
At Crosspath we provide services in accordance with Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services Home and Community-Based Service Waivers (DDHRS HCBS Waivers) Section 10.4. Behavioral supports are an array of services designed to support individuals who are experiencing or likely to experience challenges accessing, and actively participating in the community as a result of behavioral, social, or emotional challenges. Behavioral support services are intended to empower individuals and families by leveraging their strengths and unique abilities to achieve self-determination, interdependence, productivity, integration and inclusion in all facets of community life, across all environments, across the lifespan.

What does Crosspath mean?

Crosspath reminds me that as a disciple of Jesus that I am to take up my cross daily and follow Jesus as stated in Luke 9:23. Jesus has given us the path to follow. When we cross paths, I see that as a connection to one another. It is an opportunity to grow and connect with one another to bring about change and healing. I am to come alongside you in your journey and bring support. The green in our logo represents the growth that will happen when you choose Crosspath. While I choose to follow and believe in the saving power of Jesus Christ, it is not the expectation that my clients are Christian. Crosspath does not discriminate based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status such as disability, age, marital and family status, sexual orientation and gender identity, health status, place of residence, and economic and social situation not already discussed in eligibility requirements for services.

Meet Owner/Founder Daniel Sampson
I’m Daniel Sampson and I help BDDS eligible individuals on the Indiana Medicaid Waiver program with managing behavioral health needs by providing unique interventions catered to each client to meet their social, emotional, and functional needs. I have a wealth of knowledge in a variety of therapeutic interventions and strategies that are evidence based and can be tailored to each client. I have experience working with individuals across the lifespan, but specialize in trauma treatments, especially for children and adolescents. I have additional experience working with adult psychiatric patients and substance abuse patients in acute care settings. I have experience working with children and teens in residential treatment who have behavioral and developmental challenges. Providing interventions in this setting has allowed me to think outside the box while still maintaining treatment that follows evidence-based practices.


  • Bachelor’s degree from Indiana State University where I majored in music and completed a minor in psychology
  • Master’s degree from Liberty University in Human Services Counseling with a cognate in Marriage and Family Therapy
  • Master’s certificate in pastoral counseling from Liberty University.
  • ED.S. in Traumatology from Liberty University

I believe that healing happens in relationship. As a Christian, I know this to be true as healing happens through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Healing should be viewed from a Holistic view. This means that the whole person matters, and they are not just a sum of their parts. The Bible states in 1 Corinthians 12:26, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” Behavioral services should not only look at cognitive distortions and meeting mental health needs, but look at physiological needs as well. Incorporating whole body and sensory interventions can help individuals realize that improving mental health outcomes is not just an exercise in cognitive therapies.

I am a Trust-Based Relationship Intervention Practitioner (TBRI). By using this intervention, I am stating that I believe in the principles of connection, correction, and empowerment. TBRI is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. I am also a Certified Trauma and Resilience Practitioner-Clinical through Starr Commonwealth. Starr provides Structured Sensory Interventions for Traumatized children, Adolescents and Parents (SITCAP). SITCAP is a resilience-focused intervention which seeks to understand the deeply painful experiences of traumatized children, how traumatized youth interpret themselves, their interactions with others, and their environment to guide treatment.