Admission Requirements
In order to receive funding for Waiver Services you must meet BDDS Elgibility Criteria
- Disability originated before the age of 22
- Disability expected to continue indefinitely
- Have a physical or mental impairment
- Other than a sole diagnosis of mental illness
- Have an impairment which requires intensive, rehabilitative services which lead to greater functional independence
- Have substantial limitation in at least three of the following:
- Self care
- Language
- Learning
- Mobility
- Self direction
- Capacity for independent living
Once eligible through BDDS Office you must:
- Have consent and support of your legal guardian (if applicable) to participate in services
- Must be of sufficient mental stability and/or physical health so as not to endanger the life or well-being of yourself or others
- Must have a funding source or establish a private pay contract
Private pay rates are based on the most current Medicaid Waiver rate